• A Case for Valentine’s Day

    I’m excited for Valentine’s Day this year. You want to know why? It’s because this year, I’m no longer thinking about how single I am or complaining that I have to watch a romance move to celebrate. I’m excited because of what Valentine’s means to me. When researching why people hate Valentine’s day so much, I found three main reasons: it’s a commercial holiday, you don’t need a special day to pay attention to those you love, and sometimes there are people who are single. Those are all good reasons. There have been multiple times in my life when I have thought those same things. I do want to give…

  • Scripture Study Project

    Profiles in Forgiveness

    Forgiveness is needed everywhere. Every day there is at least one person whose actions hurt another. Every one of us has felt hurt by another. With that in mind, it seems almost impossible to forgive every person who has wronged us. But when we forgive, we learn that we can overcome any challenge.  In order to help me learn what forgiveness is and how we can have it for ourselves, I asked Krista from the Scripture Study Project if I could interview her and know her thoughts. In our discussion Krista described forgiveness as “A lightness of heart, true peace and strength.” This definition reminded her of a scripture in…

  • How to Find Peace

    I remember driving through New England on a winter morning many years ago. As we traveled on a Vermont highway, we crested a mountain and descended into a beautiful wooded valley. A storm had passed that way the previous night. Snow had blanketed the entire area and the trees were encased in ice. As the sun lifted, the whole landscape glistened like a thousand polished diamonds. The entire episode only lasted a minute before the sun disappeared behind some clouds, but to this day I can see and feel that moment. It was stunning, breathtaking, mesmerizing, and an utterly defying description. To me, peace is equally description defying. Webster’s dictionary…

  • The Best of Humanity

    What does it mean to be human? When you first think about humanity you may first think of the good that we see in the world. But as humans, we tend to have both good and bad happen to us while we are living our lives. As humans, we have a range of emotions both good and bad. While our emotions make our experiences, it also creates the experiences of the people around us as well. Think of the last time you got angry at someone. What happened? You probably thought of how much they were inconveniencing you. How much they didn’t understand what you were going through. After all,…

  • Help Thou Mine Unbelief!

    My name is Alecia Rose and I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I have never quite shared this with you all before because I wanted my blog to be available for anyone whether or not they are apart of my church. When I decided on faith as the subject of this month, I thought that it was a great opportunity to talk about what my religion believes in and what I personally think faith is. The problem was when I started learning about faith and I started interviewing other people from different religions what they think faith was. I wanted a nice little…

  • The Power of Love

    At this point in time, I have written this post about five times. At first, I wanted to write about focusing on the positive instead of the negative but then realized that not everyone can focus on the positive right away and it might be the wrong thing to say. Then I wanted to talk about enveloping those with depression with love but ended up writing about how lonely it feels to have depression. In the end, I realized that I want this post to radiate positivity and give hope to those who are either dealing with depression or those who are trying to help those with depression. In the…

  • The Man Who Moved A Mountain

    If I asked you who Dashrath Manjhi was, would you know? The one thing I love most about history is that there are so many stories that some don’t get as much attention as other do. When it comes to Dashrath Manjhi, he doesn’t get that much attention. When I first learned about him, I was looking at a comic, but when I started learning more about him I realized that his story is about love, perseverance, and determination. Dashrath was born in India in a small village in a broken family. At a young age he ran away and worked in a coal mine. When he returned to his…

  • Why is Love Important?

    In many ways, this is a hard question. We don’t think about love as something that is important although we know it is. When thinking about this question, you might feel stumped. I know I did. Love has been a big part of my life and in many ways, I have shown my love for multiple people. But why is it important? In one day, how often do you show love? In my average day, I show my love to sleeping, school, by helping random strangers when they need help, my family when I call about their day, to my friends when I talk to them. On any occasion, I…

  • It Must Be True Love

    Who do we fall in love with? Why do we start to love them in the first place? These are just some questions I have about the person we are trying to find. Some people call them soulmates, others kindred spirits, but when it all comes down to it, it is the person we want to spend the rest of our lives with. Something that both of my grandparents have taught me is that the people we are going to spend our lives with can be anyone. My grandmother and grandfather, Joan and Robert, had known each other for two years before they started dating. They were on a double…

  • What Is Love?

    What is love? The first thing to come to your mind may be a popular song that was made in the ’90s, but its a topic that has been debated. Some may think that it is just some form of attraction, attachment, or passion. For most of my life, I didn’t know what love was. I knew that I loved my parents, my sisters, and my friends, but besides that, I couldn’t have told you what love was except defining it as “a feeling”. There are so many movies out there that just made me even more confused. I would see many couples fight, not communicate, or just run away…