• Vulnerability

    There is Power in Vulnerability

    Brene Brown once said, “We can measure how brave you are by how vulnerable you’re willing to be”. While I know she is right, I can’t help being afraid of the word ‘vulnerable’. In my head, I ask myself what I am willing to be vulnerable to? What could I do to be more vulnerable? After much thought and a lot of fear, I realized what I am afraid of. I am afraid of working hard and failing.  The fear of failure is very common in our world. Thirty-one percent of people have this fear, which puts it above the fear of spiders. The reason why I have this fear…

  • Courage

    Q&A with Emily Stevens

    Emily Stevens is a life coach and therapist who loves helping others let go of their anxiety, help them gain confidence, and set healthy boundaries for her clients to be able to live the life they want.   What made you want to do both therapy and life coaching?  Well, I started out just as a therapist, and I really liked working with my therapy clients. It has its limitations, though, as far as you can only see people in person and all that stuff. And I wanted to expand but I also wanted the ability to help people who maybe don’t have a specific diagnosis that maybe don’t realize that…

  • Courage

    I’m Not Courageous

    She seemed nervous. When I asked Brynn if I could interview her, she didn’t know what for, she didn’t even know why I wanted to interview her or what it would be used for. I was nervous too. I didn’t know what was going to happen in the article and this was my first time doing a project so big. Courage was something so easily explainable and yet I had a tendency to ask the hard questions. Even though this was the case, she explained courage as understanding consequences and yet doing it anyway.  She referred to Brene Brown, a researcher who studies shame, courage, and vulnerability. Brynn said that…

  • Courage

    The History of Courage

    Courage has been defined in many ways since ancient Greece. The history of courage is something that can help us to understand courage a bit more and how we can apply it to our own lives.  It’s no lie that courage has been discussed many times from ancient Greece to today. Even though it has been studied for centuries, we still can’t seem to get it out of our heads. What is courage? How can we become courageous? These questions have fueled the conversation on courage since the beginning. All of them, trying to figure out exactly what courage is and how we can use it for ourselves.  Starting in…

  • The woman with a necklace of thorns

    The Woman with a Necklace of Thorns

    There are few faces as iconic and recognizable as that of the woman with a necklace of thorns. Her head adorned with flowers, her most notable feature that is never to be forgotten in each rendition of her portrait are the wispy eyebrows that meet in the center above the bridge of her nose. For those of us that see beyond the face in each portrait, there can be found a story of a courageous and resilient woman.  Frida Kahlo was known most for her self-portraits. Each one depicted her face as honestly as a photograph, but the surroundings told a story of pain and suffering.  She wasn’t a stranger…

  • Learning

    I Shadowed a Stranger for a Day and This is What I Learned

    Everyone, for the record, I didn’t follow around a stranger for a day. I followed the person who lives above me and I had permission. So, let’s move on. I did learn so much from “walking in someone else’s shoes” for a day. Right now, I am sitting on my couch, exhausted. What I learned from today is that One, people think lowly of themselves. Two, you never really get to know someone, and three, we are very different but we are also very alike. Because I learned these things throughout the course of a day, let me take you through what I did. People Think Lowly of Themselves I…

  • Into the unknown

    The Fear of the Unknown

    *Into the Uknown plays in the background* I think that we have had enough catchy Frozen songs to last a lifetime but what she says about going into the unknown is true. There are times when we have to face the unknown when we have to face our futures. Today, I met with my school advisor and she gave me the day I am going to graduate from college with my bachelor’s in communication. When anyone asks me what I feel about this, I always tell them, “a bit excited and a bit terrified.” Truth is that I have no clue about the type of future that I want. I…

  • Scripture Study Project

    Profiles in Forgiveness

    Forgiveness is needed everywhere. Every day there is at least one person whose actions hurt another. Every one of us has felt hurt by another. With that in mind, it seems almost impossible to forgive every person who has wronged us. But when we forgive, we learn that we can overcome any challenge.  In order to help me learn what forgiveness is and how we can have it for ourselves, I asked Krista from the Scripture Study Project if I could interview her and know her thoughts. In our discussion Krista described forgiveness as “A lightness of heart, true peace and strength.” This definition reminded her of a scripture in…

  • How to Forgive Yourself in Six Easy Steps

    New Year’s Resolutions can be hard to keep. People have the tendency to stop working on themselves as short as a month into the year. When it comes to breaking those resolutions, you need to forgive yourself and retry those goals for the year. Here are some easy steps to forgive yourself when you have broken those resolutions and what you can do to get back on the wagon. Acknowledge your mistakes Most professionals will tell you that admitting your mistakes and taking responsibility is the first step to any type of forgiveness. One way you may do this is by saying it out loud. By admitting them out loud,…

  • Grit Isn’t Going Anywhere

    Throughout this month we have talked about grit. Grit when it comes to failure, when it loyalty, and when it comes to effort. One thing that I know for sure is that grit is hard. When I think about the people who have to get up every day even though it is easier to stay in bed, I know that they are doing it because they need to. They want to help themselves and they want to help others. Grit isn’t only about making sure you stay strong amidst a struggle. It is also being there for yourself, others, and trying to smile when all you want to do is…