How to Forgive Yourself in Six Easy Steps

New Year’s Resolutions can be hard to keep. People have the tendency to stop working on themselves as short as a month into the year. When it comes to breaking those resolutions, you need to forgive yourself and retry those goals for the year.

Here are some easy steps to forgive yourself when you have broken those resolutions and what you can do to get back on the wagon.

Acknowledge your mistakes

Most professionals will tell you that admitting your mistakes and taking responsibility is the first step to any type of forgiveness. One way you may do this is by saying it out loud. By admitting them out loud, you are giving a voice to your mistakes and it will help you not deny that you are no longer working towards your goals.

Remember that it is a Learning Experience

Not everyone is going to do something perfect on the first try. Remembering that your mistakes are not the end and that you have the ability to try again because you learned what went wrong the first time is good. There will always be a second chance available to everyone.

Take Care of Your Emotions

Allow yourself to feel your emotions. Feeling guilty or upset that you didn’t complete your goals the first (even seventh) time is normal. Take some time to breathe and re-evaluate your feelings. If you get too upset about not completing your goals it could result in a mental health disorder. Breathe and know that you are doing fine.

Be Patient With Yourself

You are not going to fix your mistakes overnight. Even goals are not completed overnight. When you realize that what you want isn’t going to happen overnight then you are able to feel more compassion towards yourself when you mess up. Everything that you do will take time. Be patient.

Understand What Actions You Should Take to Rectify

Consider what needs to be done to make things right. If your goal has a buddy system with another person, let them know that you have messed up and talk with them about how you both can do better for the future. If you don’t have a buddy, think about having a person who can help you achieve your goals and keep you on track.

Make Goals to Become Better

Revisit your goals. Does it need changing to help you stay more on track or do they need to be more specific, measurable, accountable, reasonable, and/or timely? Once you revisit your goals, try again and see if you have done better with them. The thing about goals is that the goal is to become better.

Final Thoughts

Remember that no matter what your resolutions are, you are on a path of learning and growth. Forgive yourself when you mess up. Life is full of mess-ups and they just help us to be better.

What are your New Year’s Resolutions? Share on your social media and make sure to mention us so we can see too!

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