• Forgiveness Takes Time

    If there is one thing that I have learned after learning about forgiveness for a month is that it does not happen overnight. Forgiveness takes time. It is annoying but it is true. When I started this year, I fully planned on making no new year’s resolutions and just winging whatever comes. I eventually decided against that. Even with the resolutions I have made, it is still very difficult to let myself fail. And when I do, be empathetic with what I do feel. I recognize that what I want to do in my life won’t be easy. In fact, it is going to be hard. I know that I…

  • Scripture Study Project

    Profiles in Forgiveness

    Forgiveness is needed everywhere. Every day there is at least one person whose actions hurt another. Every one of us has felt hurt by another. With that in mind, it seems almost impossible to forgive every person who has wronged us. But when we forgive, we learn that we can overcome any challenge.  In order to help me learn what forgiveness is and how we can have it for ourselves, I asked Krista from the Scripture Study Project if I could interview her and know her thoughts. In our discussion Krista described forgiveness as “A lightness of heart, true peace and strength.” This definition reminded her of a scripture in…

  • How to Forgive Yourself in Six Easy Steps

    New Year’s Resolutions can be hard to keep. People have the tendency to stop working on themselves as short as a month into the year. When it comes to breaking those resolutions, you need to forgive yourself and retry those goals for the year. Here are some easy steps to forgive yourself when you have broken those resolutions and what you can do to get back on the wagon. Acknowledge your mistakes Most professionals will tell you that admitting your mistakes and taking responsibility is the first step to any type of forgiveness. One way you may do this is by saying it out loud. By admitting them out loud,…

  • The History of New Year’s Resolutions

    The New Year’s resolution has had an interesting history. From what scholars are saying, it dates back to the time of the ancient Babalyonians almost 4,000 years ago. Instead of January being the beginning of their year, it was actually during March when they planted their crops. They held a big celebration and made promises to their Gods. They promised to repay their debts and return borrowed goods. If they had kept their promises throughout the year, the Gods would favor them and if not, they would lose their favor and the Gods would have wrath upon them. During this time they would also sustain their king or crown a…