• Forgiveness Takes Time

    If there is one thing that I have learned after learning about forgiveness for a month is that it does not happen overnight. Forgiveness takes time. It is annoying but it is true. When I started this year, I fully planned on making no new year’s resolutions and just winging whatever comes. I eventually decided against that. Even with the resolutions I have made, it is still very difficult to let myself fail. And when I do, be empathetic with what I do feel. I recognize that what I want to do in my life won’t be easy. In fact, it is going to be hard. I know that I…

  • You Are Going to Fail

    Grit is not something that is used in normal conversation. When you are talking to a person, you don’t say that they were gritty. Instead, you say they were hard-working and that they persevered despite challenges. No one talks about failure. Until I asked Niel what he thought grit was. At first, when I asked him what he thought grit was, he answered the same answer I have heard for the past two weeks. “Well, I think it’s probably more mental than physical. It’s related to determination or toughness,” he said. “Just keep hanging in there and keep fighting and keep plugging away.” Niel then started to talk about failure.…

  • Why You Shouldn’t Compare Yourself to Others

    There are tons of people around us who will say that comparing ourselves will not do us any good. That we will just become unhappy with who we are because there is always someone better. I will also add that when you compare yourself to people, you are not going to be happy or confident with who you are. I have a bad habit of comparing myself to others. For the longest time, I compared myself to my family and my sisters. My sisters are some of the best people in the world. My oldest sister is working for a PR firm and has a little side business of hand…

  • Three Ways to Help Others Find Motivation

    Finding motivation in yourself is hard. We make dreams and goals of who we want to be and sometimes it can be hard to remind ourselves of those dreams. It is important to have people in our lives who can remind us of that and help to motivate us. How can we do that for others? It may seem like a hopeless task but I have narrowed it down to three points. Help them find passion in the small things When I was in junior high/high school my mom found it hard to motivate me to do homework so I could succeed. We tried everything from to-do lists to rewarding…

  • You Are Not Alone in Motivation

    I have always wondered how people can motivate themselves to exercise. When I exercise, it feels good for a moment and then I feel like death has personally invited me to die. Some people find their own motivation to complete spartan races and others find help in the people around them. The latter was the case for Brittanee. Brittanee is a mother of three and loves to build things. She says that while she is a mess in the kitchen, her friends rely on her to help them build and create. She also recently completed a spartan race. A spartan race is like a military obstacle race. It has many…

  • How to Bring Back Lost Motivation

    I am afraid of failure. This is not something I am proud of and it stops me from starting projects that I want to do. I will procrastinate even the simple things so I won’t have to look failure in the face. Failure is something that can take our motivation and throw it into the trash if we are not careful. So, the question is how can we keep our motivation up after we have suffered a setback? The answer is in a book that I am currently reading. It’s called “The Fighter’s Mind” by Sam Sheridan. In one of his chapters, he interviews Freddie Roach who is a former…

  • Three Ways You Can Become Motivated

    I’m surprised by the motivation to do my blog every week. When I first started writing my blog, I thought that it is only going to last a couple of weeks or months. I didn’t think that I would get to the point where I would be almost one year done with blogging. Keeping up the motivation for this blog hasn’t been easy. There have been many times when I have told myself that skipping a week won’t matter. No one will care if I don’t write for just one week. I remember a couple of months ago I thought about what would happen if I quit. But the truth…