Why You Shouldn’t Compare Yourself to Others

There are tons of people around us who will say that comparing ourselves will not do us any good. That we will just become unhappy with who we are because there is always someone better.

I will also add that when you compare yourself to people, you are not going to be happy or confident with who you are.

I have a bad habit of comparing myself to others. For the longest time, I compared myself to my family and my sisters.

My sisters are some of the best people in the world. My oldest sister is working for a PR firm and has a little side business of hand lettering while helping her husband run his business.

My other sister is naturally confident on the outside, has amazing social skills, and is working hard to maintain her relationship with our family as well as get her masters degree in occupational therapy. She has an amazing work ethic and is incredibly smart.

As I was growing up, I compared myself to them as the “black sheep”. I thought that I was stupid, lazy, and shy in comparison.

It was only when I showed myself my worth and stopped comparing that I realized that I have no business comparing myself to them.

While my sisters have worked hard to get where they are, I have also worked hard to get where I am.

And those places are different. If I compared myself to where they are now, I wouldn’t be able to put myself in their categories because each of us is in a different category.

We are also in a different stage of life.

So while I may have compared myself to them in the past. I don’t think it is fair of me to compare myself to them now.

I shouldn’t do that with anyone.

Everyone is going through different things and have different talents and traits that will help differently than where we are now.

It isn’t fair to look at yourself and then try to fit yourself into another person’s box.

You have your own space and your own mind and that means that you will go a different path than anyone before you has gone. You should be proud of that and have confidence in it.

It’s only fair.

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