• Why You Shouldn’t Compare Yourself to Others

    There are tons of people around us who will say that comparing ourselves will not do us any good. That we will just become unhappy with who we are because there is always someone better. I will also add that when you compare yourself to people, you are not going to be happy or confident with who you are. I have a bad habit of comparing myself to others. For the longest time, I compared myself to my family and my sisters. My sisters are some of the best people in the world. My oldest sister is working for a PR firm and has a little side business of hand…

  • What Is Love?

    What is love? The first thing to come to your mind may be a popular song that was made in the ’90s, but its a topic that has been debated. Some may think that it is just some form of attraction, attachment, or passion. For most of my life, I didn’t know what love was. I knew that I loved my parents, my sisters, and my friends, but besides that, I couldn’t have told you what love was except defining it as “a feeling”. There are so many movies out there that just made me even more confused. I would see many couples fight, not communicate, or just run away…