What Is Love?

What is love? The first thing to come to your mind may be a popular song that was made in the ’90s, but its a topic that has been debated. Some may think that it is just some form of attraction, attachment, or passion.

For most of my life, I didn’t know what love was. I knew that I loved my parents, my sisters, and my friends, but besides that, I couldn’t have told you what love was except defining it as “a feeling”.

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There are so many movies out there that just made me even more confused. I would see many couples fight, not communicate, or just run away from their relationship. It never seemed to show something that looked like a real relationship.

But as I learned what love is I realized that love should be more than a feeling.

Love, in my own definition, is a commitment. A commitment to be trusted, to be honest, and to always care about the person you love and be there for them at all times.

Sometimes this can be hard. There are going to be days when the person you love will be hard to deal with. During these days you should remind yourself of why you love them.

I have had this moment. One of my sisters, whom I love so much, can be frustrating and I can be easily angered with her. There was a time when I thought that I couldn’t bare with her anymore and I needed to step away.

But then I remembered what she did for me during high school.

Basically, I got depressed a lot. All I wanted to do was go to sleep and forget that anything was happening in the world. I would take myself away from people and pretend like the world didn’t exist.

But then my sister would come into my room and would want me to be with her. For the most part, I just wanted her to go away and leave me alone, but my sister would never do that. Instead, she would curl up in my bed and take a nap with me.

I always took this for granted. I figured she was being clingy and wouldn’t accept no for an answer, but to this day, I still see it as the best thing she has ever done for me.

She realized my time in need and helped me through it. It made me feel loved.

Even though I am at college now, she has still done this. A couple of months ago I was feeling really down. I texted my sister and told her what was going on and how it made me feel.

She then took time out of her busy life and came to my apartment, cleaned my room, gave me dinner, and then preceded to talk to me about what was going on.

I don’t think she’ll ever know how much that means to me, but what she does is out of love, and I love her for that.

She will always be by my side and that type of commitment defines what love is. Yes, we fight sometimes. But she will always take time to care and that is what makes her an amazing sister.

One Comment

  • Jessica

    I love this post! It’s the little things that truly make a difference. Siblings play a huge role in our lives and small acts of kindness from them or for them really go a long way 🙂

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