• I Talked with a Rabbi About Faith

    I knew that one of the religions that I would be interviewing for the month would be Judaism. I have learned that it is an amazing religion and I wish that I could have spoken with my interviewee a lot more than I did. When I started asking people from that religion to interview with me, I got a varied amount of responses. Most people didn’t answer my calls or emails but one member told me that I should take a world religions class before asking her again. Finally, after a couple of days, a rabbi said that he would be happy to. Rabbi Samuel Spector has always been an…

  • What Is Love?

    What is love? The first thing to come to your mind may be a popular song that was made in the ’90s, but its a topic that has been debated. Some may think that it is just some form of attraction, attachment, or passion. For most of my life, I didn’t know what love was. I knew that I loved my parents, my sisters, and my friends, but besides that, I couldn’t have told you what love was except defining it as “a feeling”. There are so many movies out there that just made me even more confused. I would see many couples fight, not communicate, or just run away…

  • How do You Face Fear?

    Feeling a lack of courage is frustrating.  All you want to do is get out there and show people what you are made of, then the anxiety kicks in and you start to wonder if you really should.  It could all go wrong, you could get laughed at, or you could even fail in general. When all we want to do is have courage, what makes us stop? Back in ancient Greece when philosophers such as Socrates were making it big, they had a debate on what courage is.  Some said it was standing at a post when you could die, others said it was an endurance of the soul. …