• The Best Way to Be an Authentic Leader

    I have a ton of weaknesses. The thing is that I don’t want anyone to see those weaknesses so I try to hide them away and make sure that no one sees them. It’s the best way to make people think that your perfect, that you are the type of person that they can trust. The thing about this is that it is stupid. Everyone has weaknesses and no one is perfect, so when it comes to being a leader in any type of way, the best way to be the best leader you can, authenticity and all, is to be genuine and lead with your heart. This is hard…

  • How to Be Authentic

    As people, we are afraid of what people think. When we live our day to day lives we might wonder if someone may be judging us or if they think that we are doing something weird or wrong. But we are not the only ones who are worried about this, Rebekah has thought the same thing. “I feel like I am shy at first and I’m worried about people pretending to be my friends because I think people are being my friends because they don’t want to hurt my feelings,” Rebekah shared with me. She has been deaf since birth so she knows what it is like for people to…

  • The Mask of Authenticity

    Links in this post are not a part of the affiliate program but are links to more information if you would like to research the topic further. I am not getting paid to put these links in, they are just for your benefit. Authenticity is a paradox. On one hand you might want to be authentic so you start thinking about what authenticity is and how you can use it for yourself. The other hand, by thinking about how to be more authentic, you have already not become authentic. Because authentic is being who you are and not trying to be something you’re not, by trying to become more authentic,…

  • The Debate over Authenticity

    Creativity is important for everyday people.  It allows us to have the freedom to do something that will, in the end, make us proud, happy, and satisfied and it is important for us to do that with our own thoughts and ideas.  This is what is known as authentic creativity. Many people wonder about authenticity.  Can anyone of us truly be authentic with the things that we do or create? I want to have a little debate with this question.  It is one that has troubled me for a few weeks and this is why. I work at a call center.  Work can be slow at times so I chat…