• A Muslim’s Perspective on Faith

    Usually what I do in my blog is I talk a bit about different topics that I find interesting that relate to people and in the third week I do an interview with another person about what they think about the topic. This month is different. Because it is my birthday month, I decided about six months ago that I wanted to chose a topic that I was really fascinated about and hopefully people would enjoy it as well. I then choose faith. But after I choose the topic of faith, my mind kept spinning on how I would write that month and what I could do to make it…

  • What Makes a Good Teacher?

    After going through almost 14 years of school, I would say that I have had my fair share of teachers. Some of which have been good while others haven’t been so good. With all of that experience I feel like I should have a good grip on what makes a good school experience, what sparks learning, and what makes a good teacher. I have had four good teachers out of all the teachers I had. One was my first grade teacher, my fourth grade teacher, my seventh and ninth grade English teacher, and my choir teacher. I don’t remember a whole lot about my first grade teacher. I do remember…

  • How to Become Mentally Healthy

    Links in this post are not apart of the affiliate program but are links to more information if you would like to research the topic further. I am not getting paid to put these links in, they are just for your benefit. April is almost over. May will settle in and those who are college students will be enjoying a summer where they will probably work all day, then party all night. May is also Mental Health Awareness Month in the United States of America, or just America, and I have planned a four wonderful posts about Depression. But before I get into all of that and I go into…

  • The Man Who Moved A Mountain

    If I asked you who Dashrath Manjhi was, would you know? The one thing I love most about history is that there are so many stories that some don’t get as much attention as other do. When it comes to Dashrath Manjhi, he doesn’t get that much attention. When I first learned about him, I was looking at a comic, but when I started learning more about him I realized that his story is about love, perseverance, and determination. Dashrath was born in India in a small village in a broken family. At a young age he ran away and worked in a coal mine. When he returned to his…

  • What Is Love?

    What is love? The first thing to come to your mind may be a popular song that was made in the ’90s, but its a topic that has been debated. Some may think that it is just some form of attraction, attachment, or passion. For most of my life, I didn’t know what love was. I knew that I loved my parents, my sisters, and my friends, but besides that, I couldn’t have told you what love was except defining it as “a feeling”. There are so many movies out there that just made me even more confused. I would see many couples fight, not communicate, or just run away…

  • Am I Committed to Change?

    I remember the first time I lost a friend. She lived right down the street from me and even though she was weird, I remember her well. Her hair looked like mine. In the sun, it shined a bit blonde but the red can still be seen even on the brightest of days. Her teeth were a bit cooked like her personality, but she had the best imagination possible. We would make so many worlds in our heads. The sad part is that I don’t remember these stories, I just remember her. I remember her brother showing me what had been done with his teeth, I remember her basement where…

  • Now You Can Have Hope

    December is a time of love, peace, and joy.  Sometimes we get to see the small flakes of snow that gently covers the ground, sometimes the only part of December we see is the one that comes through holidays.   For me, December is a time that I get to be done with school, spend time with my family, and to look forward to what’s to come.   Sometimes, I decide to look back on my life.   When I look back I seem to always see certain points.  Points in my life that really changed me.  I sometimes lose hope in the process.   Losing hope is almost like losing the last piece…

  • The Secret of Gratitude

    I don’t remember much of when I was little. I’ll remember things here and there, but I never know where they belong.  Sometimes I wonder about some of the things I forgot.  Did I ever have a moment when I had a talk with my sisters and we bonded over that?  It’s almost like life takes over and suddenly you are stuck wondering what you may have missed.  What happiness did you forget? I seem to remember the bad things.  I remember a friend who never liked me, a teacher who seemed out to get me, and times when I wondered if I would ever get anywhere in life.  The…

  • The Use of Imagination

    Welcome! If you read last month’s topic you know that I chose courage as the first month because I thought it was perfect in what I was doing.  I needed the courage to start a blog and I figured a lot of people might need some courage too.  After courage, we have the ability to make new things and become more, that is why this month I’ve decided to talk about creativity. What is creativity?  The word creative didn’t actually exist in ancient Greece.  They actually used a word that meant “to make” and that was used when people were writing poetry. The term was first used after Christianity came…