• Courage

    I’m Not Courageous

    She seemed nervous. When I asked Brynn if I could interview her, she didn’t know what for, she didn’t even know why I wanted to interview her or what it would be used for. I was nervous too. I didn’t know what was going to happen in the article and this was my first time doing a project so big. Courage was something so easily explainable and yet I had a tendency to ask the hard questions. Even though this was the case, she explained courage as understanding consequences and yet doing it anyway.  She referred to Brene Brown, a researcher who studies shame, courage, and vulnerability. Brynn said that…

  • Why You Shouldn’t Compare Yourself to Others

    There are tons of people around us who will say that comparing ourselves will not do us any good. That we will just become unhappy with who we are because there is always someone better. I will also add that when you compare yourself to people, you are not going to be happy or confident with who you are. I have a bad habit of comparing myself to others. For the longest time, I compared myself to my family and my sisters. My sisters are some of the best people in the world. My oldest sister is working for a PR firm and has a little side business of hand…

  • How to Use Confidence to Stand Out

    Brittany is my older sister. She is two years older than me and is the most confident person I know. She is also the bravest. About a month ago, she and her husband moved from Utah to Tennessee. She moved there in order to complete her education in occupational therapy. Moving wasn’t an easy thing for her. She had no idea what anything was going to be like. “You couldn’t see the neighborhood,” Brittany said. “We were living in a different culture and I didn’t know what people were going to be like.” But even though she was afraid, she moved anyway. “I had fears and anxieties but I knew…

  • Into the unknown

    How I Overcame My Fear of Failure

    Failure is hard to confront. In fact, there are more people who are afraid of failure than there are afraid of spiders. This just shows how well we want to do in everything we try to accomplish. When we fail, it can seem like the end of the world and it can seriously hurt our confidence. This is why we need to understand that the biggest bully in our minds is actually not as big as we think. I know a lot about fearing failure. Every time I have an opportunity to do something I fear that I will eventually fail and I won’t want to start it. Some examples…

  • I Want Confidence

    I love journalism. I may have mentioned this before, but I haven’t mentioned that I worked on my school newspaper in high school. It sounds impressive but in reality, I only published one or two stories that year. One of those reasons was because I was afraid of the teacher. I was afraid that she would hate my story and critique it to the point where I would hate myself. My crippling self-confidence stopped me from trying to become a better journalist. I am not the same person that I was then. I am different. I have more confidence. But back then, it seemed like the only thing that was…