• A Case for Valentine’s Day

    I’m excited for Valentine’s Day this year. You want to know why? It’s because this year, I’m no longer thinking about how single I am or complaining that I have to watch a romance move to celebrate. I’m excited because of what Valentine’s means to me. When researching why people hate Valentine’s day so much, I found three main reasons: it’s a commercial holiday, you don’t need a special day to pay attention to those you love, and sometimes there are people who are single. Those are all good reasons. There have been multiple times in my life when I have thought those same things. I do want to give…

  • The Person Next to Us

    February is known as the love month. It is the time when we believe in romance. Where we take more time to think of our loved ones and give them our attention and our time. We think more about our connection to each other and the person next to us. I have a friend. She is someone that I have only known for a year and yet it feels like I have known her a lifetime. She has become not only a friend but a sister to me. Someone I can rely on and someone I hope that I serve. When I first met her, I thought that we would…