A Case for Valentine’s Day

I’m excited for Valentine’s Day this year. You want to know why? It’s because this year, I’m no longer thinking about how single I am or complaining that I have to watch a romance move to celebrate. I’m excited because of what Valentine’s means to me.

When researching why people hate Valentine’s day so much, I found three main reasons: it’s a commercial holiday, you don’t need a special day to pay attention to those you love, and sometimes there are people who are single.

Those are all good reasons. There have been multiple times in my life when I have thought those same things. I do want to give a couple of reasons why I actually like Valentine’s Day this year.

It’s a Reminder

Yes, you don’t need a special day where you pay attention to those that you love either romantically or platonically but it does help remind us to love.

Back in December, a religious group does this tradition where they put out vending machines full of different ‘gifts’ that you give to another person. Except that instead of this gift going to someone you know, it goes to a person in need. There can be anything in it from a meal to giving farm animals and anything else they may need.

While this was going on, I heard a lot of people say what a great idea it was and wondered why they didn’t have it around the whole year.

I may have laughed. The point isn’t why they didn’t have that service opportunity around all year round, but why the people didn’t serve and give all year round. December is the time when you are reminded to give back to your community and honestly, I find it sad that people don’t do it all year.

Valentine’s day is the same. You don’t need a special day to pay attention to those you love, but it helps remind us that the people we love do need love and attention. They may not need a fancy dinner every day but they do need you to serve and care for them. Valentine’s day reminds us of that.

I Don’t Need No Man…

Valentine’s Day has been called ‘Single Awareness Day’ in the past. I myself may have called that a couple of times. Part of the reason was that I was upset that I didn’t have a guy to share it with. To be honest, I would still love to spend Valentine’s Day with someone who I do love romantically. I think it would be nice.

But that being said, I don’t need no man in order to celebrate Valentine’s Day. I have so many people who have already asked me to spend Valentine’s Day with them and I am not even that close with them. I have been asked to watch a romantic comedy, go to a themed party, and my mom says she is taking me to lunch.

All in all, while it is nice to spend time with someone that I am dating, I don’t need a guy in order to make Valentine’s Day something special. I can find people who may be in the same situation and I can spend the time with them. Making connections and memories will never be a wrong decision for a holiday.

Give Me All the Chocolates

Hi, my name is Alecia Rose and I am a chocoholic.

Hi, Alecia

Being honest, I love chocolate. I love Valentine’s chocolate. The fact that Valentine’s Day is super commercialized doesn’t bother me. I like to think of it as an excuse to buy myself chocolates and eat all of it in one sitting.

It was only a couple of weeks ago that my aunt and my mom gave me a whole bunch of disgusting generic Valentine’s Day chocolate and I have not only eaten all of it, but I have also eaten two packs of chocolate marshmallow cookies and almost a whole pack of chocolate mint cookies.

I know, I have a serious problem.

But when it comes to buying chocolates that have been marked down after Valentine’s Day or seeing the cute commercials that show various couples in love, or watching hilarious romantic comedies, I feel like nothing could be better in life. I mean, it may be the endorphins from the chocolate speaking but literally everything in life is commercialized and yet we walk around it to make the best memories (and stomach aches) possible.

And maybe I will learn restraint with my chocolate and watching Warm Bodies for the hundredth time in a row but that may not be too much of a problem.


I’m not sure if I have convinced you or not that Valentine’s Day is worth loving. I wouldn’t even say that I won’t have years where I don’t love it. But I do know that there will be nothing that can change my mind in thinking that Valentine’s Day helps us to be unified in thinking about others for a change.

It teaches us about love and kindness, taking care of others, and hoping for a better future in which love will conquer all. I think that is the best Valentine’s Day of all.

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