Into the unknown

The Fear of the Unknown

*Into the Uknown plays in the background*

I think that we have had enough catchy Frozen songs to last a lifetime but what she says about going into the unknown is true. There are times when we have to face the unknown when we have to face our futures.

Today, I met with my school advisor and she gave me the day I am going to graduate from college with my bachelor’s in communication. When anyone asks me what I feel about this, I always tell them, “a bit excited and a bit terrified.”

Truth is that I have no clue about the type of future that I want. I know that I love Penned by Rose, I know that I love writing and especially about people. Beyond that, I don’t know.

Of course, I have dreams. I know that one day, I would love to interview people from different parts of the world about their lives and write them all in a book. But that is a plan that is way far off. What I need to know now is how to get to that kind of future. It is in that part, that I am facing my unknown.

So how do we face our unknown? For one, I know that I can’t stress about I have no idea what to do with my life. I have to accept my fear and have courage despite it.

Second, we have to get past the mental block of safety. When I have a choice between the scary risky route and the route where I can be the safest, I usually choose the safe route. When I am older, will I look back on that choice and wish that I chose the other instead? If what you want belongs in the risky route, then you should at least try. What I like to say is there is no such thing as a bad experience. You learn no matter if you fail or succeed.

Third, keep on moving. When I was talking to my roommate about how she faces the unknown, she said that she “gets out of bed” as her way of facing the unknown. Looking past the fact she was joking and we can use this as a way to say: you can pause life. You have to keep on moving, taking one step into the darkness at a time.

While facing the unknown is terrifying it is easy to forget that it is also invigorating. While I don’t know what I will be doing three months from now, I know that whatever I do will be something that I will never forget and will help me reach the type of person I want to be.

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