• Into the unknown

    The Fear of the Unknown

    *Into the Uknown plays in the background* I think that we have had enough catchy Frozen songs to last a lifetime but what she says about going into the unknown is true. There are times when we have to face the unknown when we have to face our futures. Today, I met with my school advisor and she gave me the day I am going to graduate from college with my bachelor’s in communication. When anyone asks me what I feel about this, I always tell them, “a bit excited and a bit terrified.” Truth is that I have no clue about the type of future that I want. I…

  • Into the unknown

    How I Overcame My Fear of Failure

    Failure is hard to confront. In fact, there are more people who are afraid of failure than there are afraid of spiders. This just shows how well we want to do in everything we try to accomplish. When we fail, it can seem like the end of the world and it can seriously hurt our confidence. This is why we need to understand that the biggest bully in our minds is actually not as big as we think. I know a lot about fearing failure. Every time I have an opportunity to do something I fear that I will eventually fail and I won’t want to start it. Some examples…