The Power of Love

At this point in time, I have written this post about five times.

At first, I wanted to write about focusing on the positive instead of the negative but then realized that not everyone can focus on the positive right away and it might be the wrong thing to say. Then I wanted to talk about enveloping those with depression with love but ended up writing about how lonely it feels to have depression.

In the end, I realized that I want this post to radiate positivity and give hope to those who are either dealing with depression or those who are trying to help those with depression. In the end, I realized that I don’t think I can do that.

The truth about depression is that it is hard. It can feel like you are all alone and that you are the only one feeling what you’re feeling. Even if you know that you aren’t, it can still feel like you are pushing a rock up a hill only to have it fall back down again.

Depression can feel like your trying to move a mountain or being trapped in a box and no matter what you do you can not get out. Depression hurts.

But then there’s the truth of what depression brings. Even though it hurts, you can know that there is a community of other’s that are going through the same thing. You know that if you only reach out your hand there will be someone on the other side reaching out to you too.

Depression can help you learn about the people around you and help you empathize with them. To help them feel like they aren’t alone.

I think that depression can be negative but can be positive too.

I have a Pinterest board entitled “me”. In the board, I have a subsection that holds everything I feel and know about depression. When I got frustrated about this post I turned to that board and read something about Winnie the Pooh. It says, “One awesome thing about Eeyore is that even though he is basically clinically depressed, he still gets invited to participate in adventures and shenanigans with all his friends, they never expect him to pretend to feel happy, they never leave him behind or ask him to change, they just show him love.”

Even with everything that depression makes me feel and the people around me feel, I know that the core value that my depression has taught me is love.

Love for the person next to me because I have no clue what they are going through. Love for my family even if they tease me. Love for the world even if they aren’t as kind as I would like them to be.

I only have one plea for you, the person on the other side reading this post.

Please love the person next to you. It doesn’t matter if they are black or white, tall or short, a politician or a janitor. Love them.

This world can get so lonely. Don’t make it any lonelier than it has to be.

If you know you haven’t been kind to a person, extend a peaceful hand. You don’t have to be their best friend but let them know that you may not know the experiences that they have been through but you are willing to help them through anything that they may be experiencing now.

Now, go back within your own life. What do you remember most: the most painful thing that has been said to you or the most kindest thing?

I can remember the most painful thing that has been said to me. It was almost twelve years ago. It has been something that has stayed with me my whole life. I don’t remember a lot of kind words that have been spoken to me. I especially don’t remember any from twelve years ago.

You are a person who can say things that have the ability to stick inside someone’s head. You have the choice whether it is kind or painful.

Choose the kind path. Choose to give light to others. Be the change you wish to see in the world and realize that when you fall and you need light, you will have an army of people who wish to see you happy because you made them happy.

Thank you for reading about my depression and learning all you can about it. When I think back to the posts I’ve written about this month, I honestly believe that this has been my best month. I hope to do the same or better in upcoming months.

So, stick around. Next month should be just as fun.

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