• Talent Doesn’t Mean Everything

    When I was little, I tried different hobbies to see if I liked them or not. I tried ballet, tap, soccer, and soon I realized that I didn’t like any of them or rather I wasn’t good at any of them. I got frustrated with myself and I quit. The reason why was because I didn’t think that I was naturally good at it, I didn’t have any naturally talent. Natural talent isn’t all that it seems though. Recently, I have been reading Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance by Angela Duckworth. In the book, she says, “Without effort, your talent is nothing more than unmet potential. Without effort,…

  • Into the unknown

    How I Overcame My Fear of Failure

    Failure is hard to confront. In fact, there are more people who are afraid of failure than there are afraid of spiders. This just shows how well we want to do in everything we try to accomplish. When we fail, it can seem like the end of the world and it can seriously hurt our confidence. This is why we need to understand that the biggest bully in our minds is actually not as big as we think. I know a lot about fearing failure. Every time I have an opportunity to do something I fear that I will eventually fail and I won’t want to start it. Some examples…

  • I Want Confidence

    I love journalism. I may have mentioned this before, but I haven’t mentioned that I worked on my school newspaper in high school. It sounds impressive but in reality, I only published one or two stories that year. One of those reasons was because I was afraid of the teacher. I was afraid that she would hate my story and critique it to the point where I would hate myself. My crippling self-confidence stopped me from trying to become a better journalist. I am not the same person that I was then. I am different. I have more confidence. But back then, it seemed like the only thing that was…

  • Three Ways to Help Others Find Motivation

    Finding motivation in yourself is hard. We make dreams and goals of who we want to be and sometimes it can be hard to remind ourselves of those dreams. It is important to have people in our lives who can remind us of that and help to motivate us. How can we do that for others? It may seem like a hopeless task but I have narrowed it down to three points. Help them find passion in the small things When I was in junior high/high school my mom found it hard to motivate me to do homework so I could succeed. We tried everything from to-do lists to rewarding…

  • Help Thou Mine Unbelief!

    My name is Alecia Rose and I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I have never quite shared this with you all before because I wanted my blog to be available for anyone whether or not they are apart of my church. When I decided on faith as the subject of this month, I thought that it was a great opportunity to talk about what my religion believes in and what I personally think faith is. The problem was when I started learning about faith and I started interviewing other people from different religions what they think faith was. I wanted a nice little…

  • A Converted Buddhist Shared What Faith Means to Him

    It’s funny how the first interview I wanted to do for this month ended up being the last. I learned about world religions in my church class and the two that piqued my interest where Hinduism and Buddhism. When all of my ideas for this month started to swirl in my head, I knew that I wanted to interview one of these two religions. What ended up happening is that I couldn’t find anyone until this past week. That’s when I found a Buddhist from the Awakening Valley Sangha named John Judd and he helps to run the sangha in Provo, Utah. John has always lived in Utah. In fact,…

  • How to Know When You Have True Learning

    About a month ago, I was brainstorming with my dad about what I should write about during this month. One of the things that I thought would be interesting is knowing when you have truly learned. I thought this was interesting because before thinking about this, I would have told you that there wasn’t a limit to what you could learn. Learning seems to be everlasting. There is too much to one subject to just be learned. When researching the topic, I found that learning is ongoing but you can know when you have truly learned by teaching and by acting on your knowledge. Teaching has been something that I…