
Dreams are Made of These

Life seems dreary right now. It is almost like the apocalypse has actually happened. Most people are starting to get cabin fever and I have been sitting on a couch for almost two weeks.

But I know that you don’t want to hear about the quarantine and how that is affecting people. We’ve seen it everywhere online. Instead, I want to talk a little about a fun fact.

Did you know that during the Black Death, Issac Newton had to go home because his college shut down? During that time, he discovered the Law of Gravity and he founded calculus. Both of those things are something that we use to this day.

When I first learned about this, I was shocked and a little happy. I wondered what I could do during this quarantine that could last for centuries.

Each person has a dream. I have asked many people what they could do if they had more time or if they had unlimited money. Every one of them had something that they could say. What if during this time, we could work on the skills that could get us to those dreams?

For me, I wanted to write. So for that first week of quarantine, I wrote. Then after a while, I got tired of writing. My motivation seemed to disappear and all I wanted to do is lay on the couch and watch tv.

I only realize now that I didn’t do what I wanted to do. My dream is to write and I wasn’t doing it. I was limiting myself to only one goal, one part of the dream. I wasn’t doing all I could to be useful during this time.

So let’s make a promise, right now, to do our dreams during this time. To not feel despair or hopelessness but to dream outside our limits and reach for the stars.

I promise you that I will do exactly that. I won’t let my dreams be dreams. Now it is your turn.

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