How to Create a Love of Learning

I hope that you have been enjoying this month’s topic about learning. I realize that I am not writing a long post today and that is probably because I have started writing my posts for July. I decided to do something that I have never done before for that month so this post will be shorter but I do have important information that I have compiled. I hope you enjoy.

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I have been in school for a long time. I have many ups, and many downs. Throughout that whole time, I have loved the idea of learning.

I sometimes wonder if there are others who love learning as much as I do. There are times when I have wondered if there was a way to help people create their own love of learning.

So, I have put together different ways you can create a love of learning in yourself.

Discover What Dreams You Have

All of us have a dream of something we want to do. I want to travel the world and interview different people to compile into a book. For others, it’s drawing a replica of Starry Starry Night, or being able to bake a good lava cake. Whatever it is figure out what you want to do the most and hold on to that dream.

Realize that no matter what your dream is you can achieve it with hard work and determination.

Create a Goal

For my dream I set the goal to get better at interviewing and doing a better job documenting those interviews.

For your dreams, goals are just figuring out what steps you need to do to get there. Each step is a goal. They can be small steps, but each will help you reach your dreams.

I remember my dad teaching me about good goal making. He would always ask me if it is a SMART goal. The S stands for specific, the M for measurable, the A for accountable, R for realistic, and T for Time.

When you create a SMART goal you will find enjoyment the process of learning and will find that your dreams are achievable.

Enjoy the Process

When working towards a dream it can seem like you should only focus on that one thing and not dream about anything else.

The truth is that it is important to dream about many things. It’s healthy so long as you don’t jump off of one dream to go achieve a different one.

I have enjoyed the learning journey that I created to attain my dreams. I hope I can learn more things along the way and be able to have even more dreams.

It really reminds me of the movie Tangled. When Rapunzel sees the lanterns, the one thing she has been dreaming about her whole life, she asks Flynn what to do after you have reached your dream.

He says, “Well, that’s the good part, I guess. You get to go find a new dream.”

Life is about so much more than just surviving. You get to learn new things and find new adventures. You can do so much more and you can accomplish any dream that you want.

And you can. You just have to believe in yourself.

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