May You Have Courage!

Wow, I can’t believe my first month of blogging is over.   It’s been a wonderful journey and I’m looking forward to doing this more.

While this has been amazing, I have struggled with the thought of starting a blog.  I have almost given up more times than I can count.  That’s why I started this blog off with the topic courage.  It takes courage to do something that is unknown to you.

When I thought about doing this blog all the way back at the beginning of the year I thought that I would probably end up giving up.  When I have an idea or something that excites me, I start second guessing myself and most of the time it just gets put into a pile of ideas that haven’t come to anything.

So, when I started on this path, I said to myself, “if I know I’m not going to start it, I am not going to do it.”  I kept on this thought process up until the week before this blog started.  What I am trying to say is…

I was scared.


There were so many thoughts in my head that were telling me that I shouldn’t be doing this because it will never amount to anything.  It was constantly bothering me from day to day.

In the end, I kept on going.  I wanted to see this blog in person and feel pride for accomplishing something that was so hard.  When I see my own website being there in all its glory I think to myself that I am doing what I love.

When I talk to people about my blog they say I light up, they know I am passionate about doing this and learning more about myself and others.  They know that this big step for me is changing my life for the better.

When you are faced with fear and you struggle to have courage, all you can do at that moment is to go and do.  When you look back at your life, will you see this moment and wonder what could have happened or will you see that you did something that may possibly change your life for the better?

That is my challenge at the end of this month.  Go and do something that you have always wanted to do and do so with courage.  Be the person you have always wanted to be, no matter what.




Thank you for reading.  Comment down below on what you have learned this month. Check out my Instagram, Penned by Rose and if you want to get notified by email so you know right away what next months topic is… Subscribe below!  Thanks and have a wonderful day.


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